1. Introduction

Trafford Holdings is committed to making our website accessible to all users, regardless of their abilities or disabilities. We believe in providing equal access and usability for everyone, including those with disabilities.

2. Our Approach to Accessibility

To ensure accessibility, we strive to follow the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) as closely as possible. These guidelines provide a universal standard for making web content more accessible for individuals with disabilities. We aim for our website to meet WCAG 2.1, Level AA standards.

3. How We Make Our Website Accessible

  • Alternative Text: We provide alternative text for images and multimedia content to make them accessible to screen readers and assistive technologies.

  • Clear and Consistent Design: We maintain a clear and consistent layout, navigation, and design to help users easily find and interact with our content.

  • Keyboard Navigation: Our website is designed to be fully accessible using only a keyboard, ensuring that users who rely on keyboard navigation can access all features.

  • Resizable Text: Our website allows users to adjust text size for better readability.

  • Color Contrast: We maintain a sufficient color contrast between text and background elements to improve readability for all users.

  • Accessible Forms: We provide accessible forms with labels and proper structure to assist screen readers and other assistive technologies.

4. Ongoing Efforts

We are committed to continually improving the accessibility of our website. We regularly review our site for accessibility issues and make necessary adjustments to enhance the user experience. We also seek feedback from users to identify and address accessibility concerns.

5. Contact Us

If you encounter any accessibility issues while using our website or have suggestions for improvement, please contact us at [Your Contact Information]. Your feedback is valuable to us as we work to enhance the accessibility of our site.

6. Accessibility Tools

For users who may require additional assistance, there are several accessibility tools and browser extensions available that can enhance the user experience. Some commonly used tools include screen readers, keyboard shortcuts, and text-to-speech extensions.

7. Accessibility Statement

This accessibility page is part of our commitment to accessibility. Our aim is to ensure that all users can access and use our website. We will continue to work toward making our site accessible to the widest possible audience.

8. Third-Party Content

While we strive for accessibility in our content, please be aware that some third-party content or external websites linked from our site may not meet the same accessibility standards. We encourage users to review the accessibility policies of these third-party providers.

By using the Trafford Holdings website, you acknowledge that you have read and understood this Accessibility Page, demonstrating our commitment to accessibility and inclusivity for all users.